Wednesday 2 August 2017

Contoh LoA (Letter of Acceptance)

Seperti yang dijelaskan sebelumnya bahwa LoA merupakan surat penawaran dari universitas tujuan agar kita bisa mendaftar disana. Proses-proses untuk mendapatkan LoA tersebut bisa teman teman lihat pada postingan sebelumnya yang berjudul "Tips Mendapatkan LoA (Letter of Acceptance)".

Gambar berikut adalah contoh salah satu LoA yang didapat dari Central Michigan University:

Dan dibawah ini adalah salah satu contoh dari Form LoA yang lainnya:

[Title] [First name] [Last name]
[Street Address]
[Region] [Postal Code]

Dear [Title] [Last name]

Congratulations and welcome to the [department] Program at the University of British Columbia. I am pleased to advise that subjects to the approval of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, you will be admitted to the [degree] program beginning september [year].

You are joining a very distinguished group of graduate sutdents. Last year, several graduate students in this program won major financial and academic awards including the [insert appropriate award information]. Your choice to attend UBC for your graduate degree is perhaps the wisest choice of your professional career. You are to be congratulated on the personal and academic achievements that have brought you thus far in your career.

We encourage you to be in contact with us between now and september.

  • First, you will need to notify us as soon as possible but no later than [date] regarding whether or not you plan to accept this offer. There is a long list of students waiting to take up any spots that are not filled.
  • As you are no doubt aware, we have [name the outstanding features of program such as new buildings, state-of-the-art-technology, significant research grants]. You will be able to learn more about the program by consulting our website at [website URL] and by subscribing to our electronic discussion list.
  • Your faculty advisor is Dr. [Firstname] [Lastname]. We encourage you to contact [Firstname] within the next few weeks to get acquainted, to discuss your research interests, and to begin to plan your academic program. 
  • You will probably receive an e-mail or two from some of your fellow graduate students who have been members of our program for a while. They'll be happy to give you a feel for life in the [program] program from a student's perspective. 
The entire program is very proud to be able to attract so many outstanding scholars like yourself. We look forward to meeting you in September and to developing with you a sound partnership in teaching and learning for your future.

Yours truly,
[First name] [Lastname], PhD
Graduate Advisor

Itulah contoh form dari Letter of Acceptance yang dikeluarkan oleh universitas. 
Sumber: Buku dan Bonus DVD JAMU LPDP

Nah, bagi teman-teman yang ingin mendaftar Beasiswa LPDP, sebaiknya terlebih dahulu membeli Buku JAMU LPDP ini. Karena pada Buku dan DVD bonusnya ini terdapat semua tips agar Lolos Beasiswa LPDP dengan sangat lengkap, buku ini ditulis oleh ahli nya yang sudah berpengalaman dan lolos beasiswa LPDP. 

Dan teman-teman hanya memerlukan Rp. 157.000 saja untuk mendapatkan Buku JAMU LPDP ini. Tunggu apalagi teman-teman? Jangan pernah menunda kesempatan karena belum tentu akan ada kesempatan yang sama dikemudian hari. SEGERA Pesan Buku JAMU LPDP dengan klik link dibawah ini:

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